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The Luminary in Cardiometabolic Medicine Award

The most prestigious award of the "Heart in Diabetes" Conference.  

It is presented annually to the most recognized leaders in the

Diabetes-Cardio-Renal and Metabolic landscape

 for their leadership and unique contributions

to the development and understanding

of the clinical science of this new and fast developing field.


The award is presented for their impact on advancements of the research 

and the evolution of management and new treatment modalities

for patients with diabetes and/or cardio-renal and metabolic diseases. 

2024 Luminary in Cardiometabolic Medicine Awardee

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Mikhail N. Kosiborod, MD, FACC, FAHA 

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Previous Award Recipients

2023 Luminary in Cardiometabolic Medicine Awardee

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George Bakris, MD 

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